Sunday, June 17, 2012

Former Posts

June 16th 2012

Uhhh I just ate a sandwich. According to my diet, that's basically the ultimate sin. Carbs... and dairy. Yeah, it had cheese on it. I actually feel awful. 
I'm still technically not on the diet because I haven't gotten sufficient groceries to support my new eating habits (this could be considered denial) but whatevs. 
That's all I have to say to this. 



June 15th 2012

So unfortunately (for me) we decided to have a diet and health page. The unfortunate part of this isn't only that I have to make my dieting public, but also that I'm actually going to have to stick with it, which I've never done before.

I'll start off by saying that this is the heaviest I've ever been in my life, so before I turn into a planet I decided to do something about it. I've heard a lot of good things about the blood type diet, so that's what I settled on. It's not really a fad diet, it's more of a "changing how you eat forever to better your body" diet, so I figured it was better than doing the 10-day cleanse Beyonce did before dream girls, or eating cabbage soup every day for a year.

Basically... Every kind of food I've ever loved, I can no longer consume. Awesome!

The basis of the diet is that for every blood type, there are foods you can and cannot eat without harming your body. I'm a type O, which essentially means I have the same dietary restrictions as Jesus did back in ye olden bible times, but I bet even Jesus could eat some fucking cheese if he wanted to.

I'm no longer allowed to eat pig products, peanuts, corn, gluten, oat, wheat, dairy, avocado, mushrooms, potatoes, blackberries, coconuts, oranges, strawberries, cinnamon, pickles, liquor, soda, or corn syrup. There are more, but those are the main things that concerned me. I'm not too upset that I can't have turtle for dinner anymore.

But no bacon, pickles, cheese or LIQUOR? What am I supposed to do with my life? If you know me, you know that is a HUGE problem. I'm also not supposed to drink coffee... but I'm dieting, not seeing how well I can cope with torture. So lets pretend that part doesn't exist.

It hasn't officially started yet, groceries still need to be purchased so I can actually feed myself, but I'll be keeping tabs on my progress here. I'm also doing a two-a-day workout thing, and once I get new shoes I'm going to start running... I think. Maybe.

So, along with my sweat and tears, I'll be posting recipes and workouts and progress pics (debatable).

And so it begins,

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