Friday, June 29, 2012

So, just because I've been slacking on writing this blog doesn't mean I've been slacking on the diet... shocking, I know. I've been sticking to it relatively well for a person of limited means (money, time, sanity, etc) but I do feel like I've been making some progress. I don't weigh myself, just because I feel like there are so many factors that effect weight. And realistically, I don't care if I weigh 170 lbs or 90 lbs as long as I look healthy, and I feel happy with myself. I'd much rather measure my progress by which pairs of jeans I don't have to struggle to zip up anymore, and how many mirrors I stop avoiding.

Anyways, it's been going well. I've had a couple slip ups in the form of a bagel or two, but I am only human. It was surprisingly easy to cut out dairy from my diet, with the exception of milk in my coffee at Tim's. Even when I'm at home I use almond milk for all my coffee, tea, etc. I've even started putting honey in my coffee.. I have no idea if it's actually a healthier substitute for granulated sugar, but it makes me feel a bit better about it. Other than cheese, it was easy for me to stop with a lot of dairy because I'm not the hugest fan of ice cream, yogurt, chocolate, or any other cow bi-products. What I started noticing was how much it actually affected me when I did cheat. I felt lethargic and crampy... basically like garbage. That feeling alone is what motivates me to stay away from those foods. The results aren't exactly drastic right now, but I'm noticing them in myself which is good. It's hopeful.

I've also noticed myself eating a lot less. I'm hungry less frequently, and it's a lot more inconvenient to make food for myself when I'm bored/emotional/pms-ridden, which at first ripped me apart because midnight snacks are probably my favourite meal of the day. But my eating is controlled, it's healthier food, and it's at regular times. I'm still getting a good nutritional balance because although I have cut out some pretty drastic food groups, I'm getting their benefits from alternate sources. Carbs for example... everyone knows it's never good and totally idiotic to cut out carbs for an extended period of time. So, the Jesus bread comes in quite handy, and it's actually really good. I'm taking all my vitamins, still making sure I have everything covered because the point of this diet isn't for me to suddenly drop 40 lbs and be a lingerie model... I just want to be happy, healthy and strong.

My verdict thus far is that this is going pretty well and I'm going to keep it up. I haven't had much time to excercise, but i'm still fitting in a bit. That'll be step 2... probably. I'll get around to it eventually. If you're comitted enough to change how you eat, then I reccomend looking up your specific diet because I'm really noticing a difference in myself.

I'm going to start posting some recipes eventually, so if you have any requests let me know!

Hope all you crazy kids have a good Canada day weekend! (I'll do my best not to cheat..)

Monday, June 25, 2012

Lady Knot - The Battle

Back again.....and Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to hit the ten pound mark, but that’s okay because after two nights straight of drinking, I’m surprised my body let me hit the 9 pound mark. However I am not going to complain because 9 pounds in 14 days is still really good, and there is a huge change in what my body looks like. I refuse to allow the scale to disappoint when the mirror says something else. According to my diet plan, I am on day 15 which means that my diet increases to 1200 calories and my exercise plan also gets more intense. I started the exercise plan; however I actually enjoy my food from the first phase so much I’m lofting on changing that. However, I’m starting it today, so I’ll let you all know how that goes. Anyways, for you that wanted to know my first 10 day diet: Breakfast: 1/4 cup plain oatmeal, 1 walnut, and half a grapefruit Snack: 8 almonds and 1 medium apple Lunch: 2 pieces of sprouted bread, 1/4 an avocado, 1 slice beefsteak tomato, 1/2 cup spinach Snack: 2 celery sticks with 1 tbsp. almond butter Dinner: 1 cup broccoli, 6oz chicken, 3 new potatoes. * Green tea with each meal + post dinner snack* - this diet is a total of 950 calories, and honestly, I loved it, but I learned that you CANNOT lose weight my skipping a meal because your body will just go into starvation mode and you'll either gain a pound, or not lose any. Remember EATING IS GOOD. My next post will hopefully have pictures and ill find ones from facebook that give you an idea of a “before” Until I get my Star Wars Name, As always, Lady Knot

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

LadyKnot- Catch me if you Can

Hey, Hey. This is Kaitlyn here, a permanent guest blogger on this oh so splendid site writing about my own personal ups and downs with that bittersweet battle between weight-loss and exercise. I shall be writing about my diet, work out plans, and how I survive going out every weekend while still managing to reach my goal weight. Perhaps I'm a little ahead on my dieting, or a little behind on my blogging but I've already been on a diet/workout plan done by Jackie Warner ( my new idol)for 10 days and I've succeeded in losing 8 pounds. My plan calls for 10 pounds in 10 days, so I don't know what’s up with my bod, but I think it went into starvation mode because I skipped a few meals here and there because I actually FORGOT to eat. THE PLAN So this diet that I’m on has three phases, first phase is a 950 calorie diet, second phase is 1200 and third phase is 1500(which I’m still debating if I’m doing). Anyways, it calls me to be obsessed with three things: skipping, green tea, and spinach. It has a planned out grocery list and menu so you know what you’re eating for every meal, along with a workout plan that I have now fell in love with. You'll catch onto the fact that I LOVE working out. It just so happens that I love chocolate slightly more... The good news, I just finished my 10th day, and after writing the most stressful exam of my high school career, all I wanted to do was go work out to get my anger out. Compared with before when the stress became a reason to pig out(proud moment). I am totally shocked that my body hasn’t craved anything sweet over this period, and rather I actually love the food that’s given in my diet. At first, it was hard to swallow (oatmeal, spinach sandwich, all food PLAIN) but now, I take a bite and I’m like omfg orgasm. Anyways I'm going to cut it off here. Stay tuned to find out more about my past experiences(how i lost 15 pounds and gained it back) and what I have learned from oh lovely friend, fat. Oh, and like Chelsea, I may post up progress pictures... if I'm at the beach and Czarina has camera. Yours truly, LadyKnot

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Former Posts

June 16th 2012

Uhhh I just ate a sandwich. According to my diet, that's basically the ultimate sin. Carbs... and dairy. Yeah, it had cheese on it. I actually feel awful. 
I'm still technically not on the diet because I haven't gotten sufficient groceries to support my new eating habits (this could be considered denial) but whatevs. 
That's all I have to say to this. 
